jeudi 10 juin 2010

(Note from the editor: Yesterday there was a little accident, Léa's grandmother Mamine erased the blog message by mistake before it was published, so Léa had a small tantrum, and rightfully so I might had :) but she recovered enough to play table soccer with Mamine before going to bed... Mamine typed as best she remembered, and I copy-paste below:)

Today was a surprise because they can calculate 136x40=5,440 (in french, they write it 5 440). It was very difficult but she had Sophie to take care of that problem.

At lunch they came home and the family had Croque-Monsieurs or Croque-Madames with salad. Then school again. There is no school on Wednesday but. for primary schools only, the bigger pupils have school in the morning.

Then she wrote : AU REVOIR (in FRENCH), Léa

(Note by Mamine: About Euros: one euro is 1dollar20 cents. The coins are copper red: 1,2,5 centimes; yellow: 5,10,20,50 centimes. Then white around and yellow in the middle are 1euro, 2euros coins. Then the notes: 5 euros, 10, 20, 50 euros. And even 100 euros but they DO not like them in shops.)

PS by Mamine: The RECIPE for croque-monsieur. Take one slice of mie sandwhich bread, top it with a slice of gruyère cheese, then a slice of ham and another slice of gruyère cheese ,another slice of bread on top, and fry it ,in a special machine, or in a frying pan The croque-Madame is a croque-Monsieur with a fried egg on top of it. Bon Appétit!

2 commentaires:

  1. Hi Lea!!!!!! It's Ms. Andrepont. Many of the kids in the class took time to read your blog today and write back to you. Here are their notes:

    Dear Lea,
    It's Chance. I hope you are having a fun time in France. And I hope you are learning new French words and making new friends in France. And I want to ask you something. How is the food in France?

    Dear Lea,
    How are you doing? How is FRANCE? Is it cool? Well you are so cool for going to FRANCE. How are the stores? Are the items expensive. Well that's all 4 today.

    Hi Lea,
    How are you doing? Lea we all really miss you. When we always try to solve math problems I think about you and our friendship. I hope we can still be friends even if you are in France.
    love hugs and kisses,

    Dear Léa,
    What do you learn in the new school? Is it a little bit like our school? And this is D'Avian writing to you just letting you know. And I know that you have a best friend Sofie that you like to play with and you found a friend really quickly. You know why? Because you’re very intelligent to every body! I miss you so much. French bread is very tasty and I like it. Do you? I might see you in my next year's class. Have a great one and your family too.
    love, D’Avian to Lea Bronnimann!

    Hi Lea,
    How are you doing in France? Is France nice like here in New York? How is your school like in France? Are you having fun in France?

    HI Lea!
    IT's me your classmate..........YUMALY!!!!!!!! Here the 5th,3rd and 4th Grades are having a FIELD DAY!!!!!!!! IT might be cool but I got a problem--It's that I don't how to jump a rope!

    Are you having fun in France? What are the games like in France? Are you doing great? How are you doing in school? Are there report cards? Do you get to play in the yard? Do you have any school trips? Is it hard to learn French in that school? When you come back we are going to be happy that you are our friend in fourth grade. Your grandmother told us how to make the sandwiches. Is the food so good and if it's good tell us about it. Is it beautiful over there? Have you seen the EIFFEL TOWER yet? Does it look big and beautiful? Lea I HAVE TO ask you a question. Do you know this game called petanque? I HEARD IT is SO popular. Do you know about the trains? Does it look so cool? Do you know about french songs?
    -Makayla & Shaunice

    HEY LEA,
    IT'S UHURU ZO MANANA :) hi lea. it's me angelica!!! HOWYA' DOING? Did you have fun? FUNTIME!!!!!!!!!! How do you do? WHAT'S FRANCE LIKE? Are you doing good? How is it outside? Have you been to a museum? ARE THERE FAMOUS ARTIFACTS IN THE MUSEUM? ONE? ANY?
    -Uhuru & Angelica

  2. From Léa's dad: Thank you all for your sooooooo kind comments. I will make sure Léa is aware of all your messages and responds to each one of them. We will read them together tomorrow when I go back to Léa's grandmother's house for the weekend.

    Léa's mom and dad (me!) were so happy to see how many wonderful questions you had and how curious you are about France. But most of all, we were so glad to see how inquisitive and interested you are, which is of course very good!
