Hi everyone, this is Léa's mom, Mari.
I'm sorry for not posting so much; after Léa's dad returned to NYC, I am working in Paris and it has been difficult to find the time. I just spent 4 days with Léa and Téo in Abbecourt at the grandparents house, preparing for their departure to their "Colonie Vacances", Sleep-away Camp! Here is Léa and Téo yesterday at the train station called Gare Montparnasse with the grandparents just before the departure.
She is going to Nantes, a city in the west of France.

Léa also learned a new computer program her uncle and an engineer Frédéric 'Tonton Fred' taught her, called Google Sketch Up. It's a free program and you should try it! She has been designing houses and rooms and it has been a great pass-time for her too!

What are you all doing? Let us know! We are picking Léa and Téo up at the Gare Montparnasse next week, July 30th.